
The goal of the conference is to gather researchers in digital geometry and discrete variational calculus, theoretical mathematical experts from geometric measure theory and variational problems and applications oriented computer scientists from image analysis or geometry processing. It would bridge the gap between various approaches to discrete calculus, and go beyond the current state of the art. We want to bring together these communities in order to promote calculus on digital spaces and structures, fostering new developments.

The conference was planned to take place at CIRM (Marseille, France) from March 29th to April 2nd, 2021: the conference website at CIRM can be found here.

Due to the current Coronavirus situation, the conference will be held as a virtual event with the help of CIRM. Besides the talks given through the visio-conference of the CIRM, there will be a Discord server to foster interactions between participants. 

Keynote speakers

Call for contributions

Talks (30 minutes including questions and answers) are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • digital geometry
  • discrete differential calculus
  • numerical analysis
  • geometric measure theory
  • geometry processing
  • variational problmes on discrete manifolds
  • shape optimization
  • image analysis
  • graph-based methods in image analysis
  • computational geometry
  • computer graphics

The propositions will be in the form of a title and an abstract. The contents may be an original contribution, or a survey on a particular problem, or a recent result already published or submitted.

Please remind to register at before submitting a title and an abstract of a talk.


Registration is free but mandatory to attend the conference.

All participants are asked to pre-register on the CIRM website. Note that it is not necessary to register at if no talk is proposed.

Registration on the CIRM website before Sunday March 28 is necessary both to have access to the (virtual) talks and to receive the Discord server address.

Important dates

  • Deadline for talk proposal: February 28th, 2021
  • Notification of acceptance: March 5th, 2021
  • Deadline for registration: March 15th, 2021 March 28th, 2021
  • Conference: from March 29th to April 2nd, 2021


Scientific committees

Organizing committees


ANR Project CoMeDiC            CIRM          Labex Bézout

                    ANR project CoMeDiC

Labex MILYON         Labex PERSYVAL-Lab          LAMA        

LJK            LIRIS                      LIGM          


Université Savoie Mont Blanc            Université Grenoble Alpes       Université Gustave Eiffel

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